Market Partner's quickly help spread a lie that should have landed her and other Monat Market Partners in court. I still hold out hope that one day Babe will take the #rockstarmentors to court to hold them accountable for trying to destroy a company with lies.
The Hair in question
Monat Market Partner
In a goal to discredit the stylist sharing her story of a client impacted by Monat shampoo. The Market Partners created a fake facebook salon page and then shared it. One look at the hair in the picture above and any stylist who knows hair knows that did not come from tape in extensions. However, while they whine about being bullied, they lie and create false narratives about a professional salon quality company that has taken care of its reputation. Below is Babe's response. If I wondered if Roxy understood hair, her sharing of this false story proves I wouldn't sit in her chair if she were paying me.
Babe Hair Extension Response