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Heather Fox -the real story

Thank you to guest writer FireMonster

From DixieDust: It is sad, when to sell a shampoo a person like Ann Marie Michaels feels the need to bully, attack, belittle and show a true ugly side of their nature. Again, I say correcting your mistakes is NEVER going to be enough. You must stop the bullying, apologize to those you bullied retract your story with a blog post that tells the truth. At this point your original blog post has been saved should anyone seek to sue you, Ann Marie Michaels. This is another response to Ann Marie Michaels' attack on Monat Victims. With the help of of a guest writer we are getting the real story from those who were unhappy with Monat, and found a company and sales team that would rather bully their consumer than offer help.

Thanks again to FireMonster for helping me out with the interviews. Now what you came to see!

Heather Fox- the real story

After reading Ann Marie Michaels' blog post, I wanted to take some time to breakdown each Monat customer that she had commented on. My goal was to learn about each person, one by one and defend them against the things that Mrs. Michaels said.

I decided to start with Heather Fox, I went to her story in the blog. I wanted to read her story, separate from the rest of the blog so that I could digest everything that Mrs. Michaels' had to say. Then I could decide if it was something that I could feel good about defending.

As I read Heather’s story through the eyes of Mrs. Michaels my heart broke. This woman attacked every aspect of Heather's life. Not only was her first paragraph completely false, but most of the story was built upon personal assumptions, not facts. I am an old lady, I have been around for a long time, I have never in all of my life seen another woman attack someone in this way. Cheeseslave said: Heather Fox is a former MONAT customer and possibly a Market Partner — who is now part of the class action MONAT lawsuit. I researched her on Facebook. Later Cheeseslave had to edit because she again got something wrong. Heather Fox is a former MONAT customer (and possibly a Market Partner — correction: she was never a Market Partner) who is now part of the class action MONAT lawsuit (correction: she is not a part of any of the lawsuits). I researched her on Facebook.

I decided right then that I will not justify this woman’s blog by breaking it down, point by point to defend Heather. Breaking it down would be a waste of my time as a writer and your time as readers. Instead, I am going to take a more productive approach. I am going to share Heather Fox’s Experience with Monat as Heather experienced it.

First, I need you to do something for me. Find a place that you are comfortable, somewhere that you can sit and read for 5-10 minutes uninterrupted. Take one minute to get comfortable and center yourself.

Whether you work for Monat, are a current customer of Monat or a past customer it is important to understand how Monat decided to handle a customer complaint.

Take a deep, cleansing breath.

Inhale slowly through the nose.

Exhale slow and controlled through the mouth.

I am not here to make you hate a product or a company.

I am not here to ruin the reputation of a MP, a stylist, or a friend.

I am sharing Heather's story because whether you know her personally or not, She is your friend, your sister, your mother, your girlfriend, or your customer. This could have been anyone story and with 11 class action lawsuits against Monat it is clearly a story many women are telling.

Open your heart, get to know Heather and listen Heather's experience; try to put yourself in her shoes. After you Finish reading her story, Turn off your phone and take a deep breath.

Close your eyes and ask yourself what you would do if you shared her experience.

Again, Your sister, your daughter, your spouse.

How would you treat them if this were their story?

Heather heard about Monat on social media. She and a friend bought their first order in August 2017 through someone that they followed on Facebook. Unknowingly, they had signed up to become a VIP, they didn’t know they were signing into a contract and being placed on the auto ship. They didn’t think they had to make 3 purchases before they could cancel. They just ordered what their rep had recommended as the best line for their hair. A quick look through complaints with BBB, you can see this was a common experience for many who ordered Monat.

Her first order arrived, excited to use a product that would enhance her already beautiful, thick hair, She tried Monat for the first time. After the first wash, she was somewhat taken aback. Her hair felt horrible, her MP told her that it was a part of the process and to keep using. Her hair felt greasier and dirtier with each wash. Again her MP encouraged her, telling her that she was experiencing detox.

Struggling with how her hair was feeling Heather’s MP suggested trying a different line. Wanting the best experience possible, Heather placed an order for the BLACK line that her MP thought would help. Not long after placing the order a box arrived on her doorstep. Way too soon to be the new line she had just ordered. Instead, It was a repeat of her first order. The auto-ship that she was unaware of just showed up at her door. Now she has received two deliveries(autoship) and one more on the way(the new line). For the first time, she was made aware of the auto ship and the contract that she had been locked into without knowing.

The new line that is supposed to help arrives. Heather used it, her son used it. Her son only used the blackline one time.

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

One wash and Heather’s son had a horrible reaction. Painful, red, open sores appear on his scalp. For months he suffered, his scalp was itchy flakey and covered with sores.

After several weeks Heather was still struggling with her hair. Her best friend that had signed up with her called and asked how she was liking Monat. They discussed their experience. Both struggling with what their rep called detox, greasy yet dry & tangled hair. They called their rep to express their concerns.

Again, the MP reassured them that it’s part of the process and to push through, it will be worth it in the end.


Take a deep breath. Inhale through the nose.

Slowly exhale through the mouth.

This is Heather’s story, she isn’t trying to hurt anyone she is just sharing her experience.

Heather's friend who bought Monat at the same time as her calls, she is worried.

They talked, and they each listened,

They both cried.

Heather's hair is getting shorter, her hands covered with hair each time she washes. Her once beautiful thick hair is thin and dry.

She cried some more.

Her natural curl gone.

Her roots grey.

She is confused, she needs answers.

She hung up the phone, and she opened Facebook.

Heather told her real story and experience with Monat. She searched and asked for and advice. Heather shared with her social media pictures from her and her son's Monat experience.

The response she got from Monat reps shocked her:

It’s all in your head.

You must be washing wrong.

It must be the wrong line for your hair.

Shampoo can’t make your hair fall out.

Have you had your thyroid checked?

Silk pillowcase?

Have you tried using a cotton T-shirt instead of a towel?

You know that we lose “X” numbers of hairs a day, that’s perfectly normal.

Has your Diet changed?

Have you experienced stress in the last year?

We have all heard these comments from Monat Market Partners over and over. So many times I have read a post on social media. Someone is asking for help, needing a response as to what is happening. Always the same answers From reps. I think what bothers me the most is, never once have I Heard a Market Partner or Monat say,

“ Oh my gosh! I am so sorry you have a bad experience. I’m not sure what is going on with your hair. Let me make some calls and get some answers. Until then, maybe you should stop using Monat.”

Never, have I ever heard anything that resembles good customer service.

Still, a VIP, Heather’s MP blocked her. No help. No answers.

It was at this time that Heather found out why her menstrual cycle was so messed up and miserable.

She learned about red clover.

She was referred to a surgeon to discuss surgery for some hormonal complications that she had started to have since starting Monat.

Heather learned of other women with whom shared the same experience using Monat.

Upset and frustrated. Heather decided to return the product, cancel her VIP, she tried to talk to the company. She was told that the company would get ahold of her.

They never did.

She eventually got a partial refund on ONE order, she spent just over $500 on the product; even more in medical bills and salon treatments to help improve her hair.

As women, we are very aware of our bodies. Every dimple on our bottom, every period, the stain on our teeth, the single dark hair that we pluck from our left nipple every six weeks. We know how much hair we wipe onto the shower wall every time we shampoo.

We are women, we know our bodies and are more critical of them than anyone.

So if a woman tells you that she is losing more hair than ever before then DAG NABBIT she is losing more hair than ever before.

Heather is not a stylist.

She is not an MP

She is a mother

She is a woman

She is your friend

Your sister

And she WAS your customer that YOU chose to treat with disrespect and hate.

This first picture is from when The damage was becoming apparent. As you can tell by the date on the post, Heather had been using Monat for 4 months. She had been using Thrive for 3 years(with no adverse side effects)

The typing above the picture is from the Cheeseslave blog post.

This second picture is from February 2018 after she had stopped using Monat. This is the day that she had to cut off all of that noticeable damage that she believes happened while using Monat.

Again the comments above the post are from the Cheeseslave blog. Let's be honest for a moment Ann Marie has not met Heather Fox, she is not a stylist and she has Zero knowledge about hair care. So her evaluation is of a non-expert who is playing hair stylist.

This last picture shows a timeline of sorts. The blonde hair is what was there before Monat and while using Monat.

The grey hair is what grew while using Monat. The dark hair is what grew after quitting Monat. This is most shocking to me. I have heard women comment about their hair going grey during use, I have never seen it as I do in this picture.

This is Heather's Monat story.

It may not be easy to read, it wasn’t easy for her to experience.

She doesn’t want to hurt anyone.

At this point, all she wants is to share her story. You don’t have to agree, you don’t even have to like it. But don’t take her story and turn it into something it is not just because you don’t want to believe it’s true.

This IS Heather’s Monat story.

This is HER TRUTH.

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1 Comment

Feb 26, 2019

This blog brought tears to my eyes! This story was very well written! Heather I’m so sorry for what you have been through. ❤️❤️❤️


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