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Ann Marie Michaels a cheeseslave

Part 1: In response to:

Before I start each of these I research the person that I am about to talk about so that I remember on the other end of this blog is a real live person with a family and people that care about them. However, at the same time, I remember that those they attack or bully also have people that care about them. Monat Market Partners are often people who will pull no punches when it comes to personal attacks. I mean to sell a shampoo you have to have an ugly, mean girl personality right? Wrong.

So, let us now begin... I won't share or shovel all the junk she is putting out there, but you can find her on Twitter. She has worked hard to get attention, and I think her going after those who have spoken against Monat and bullying them was just one more way to scream for those not following her to "look at her." So, let's look at her. The truth she is an associate Market Mentor and her bullying of others and lies within her post are just one more way for her to try and sell you a damn bottle of shampoo with over 300 FDA adverse reactions, almost 900 BBB complaints and with 11 class action lawsuits from things ranging from salespeople lying to adverse reactions.

She writes the blog like she has nothing invested in the product, but she is a salesperson so her screaming about stylist being "biased" is hypocritical at best. But let's look at her blog... But sweet Ann Marie, I believe this might be just the beginning of our banter.

Cheese Slave: Have you been hearing about the MONAT lawsuits?

Me: Yes, 11 class action lawsuits, from what I am hearing. That is a lot of people suing Monat. I also heard that they have been combined and along with 2 lawsuits that they still have ongoing against other people that Monat are suing in America. All of these the class action lawsuits as well as the one with Kayla Baker and Toni Miller are going to be heard by the same judge in Florida.

I do understand they settled 2 lawsuits, but even that is interesting. Both lawsuits were started at $250,000 but were quickly by Monat offered settlements for pennies on the dollar. In reality, they were settling for less than it would cost for the other party to go to court.

One of the people they sued turned on other's Monat is suing. So, their former Market Partner Vickie Harrington sold out people she once counted as allies. Hmmm, that is interesting that someone they called a liar gave them information about other's being sued.

But you do know you are missing the Canadian lawsuits in all your info. Did you know that there were lawsuits in Canada?

Cheeseslave: I keep seeing the same comments on social media. It's always the same refrain: “MONAT causes hair loss. There have been a lot of MONAT lawsuits.”

Me: Okay, so you know I have actually seen the damage that Monat has done on a cancer patient. That is where this problem with Monat began for me personally. I heard the lies the snake oil salesmen told this beautiful woman, and I thought it was going to be just 'one' bad apple. Turns out the whole Monat apple barrel is filled with bad apples who will sell a shampoo with lies and half-truths. So as you say...

It's time to lay out the facts.

Lie Number ONE from Cheeseslave: Four of the lawsuits have been settled so far in, Monat's favor.

Actually, you are wrong or lying on purpose. I am going to go with wrong and just failed to do your research. Clearly, you are okay with spreading FAKE NEWS. So, there have been 3 lawsuits that have gone all the way. Let's look at them.

Protective Order

There was a protective order filed against Monat because of Monat Market Partners as well as the company itself were sending threatening messages to those who spoke out against Monat. Since the Protective Order was filed my understanding is that Monat did stop some of their past behaviours because they knew they were going to be watched.

Mags Kavanaugh

The next one against Mags Kavanaugh.

What happened with her case? There was a settelement, Pacer calls it a stipulation of dismissal. The stipulation of dismissal is the settlement from what I am being advised by someone more aware of the the legal cases than myself.

Vickie Harrington

Vickie Harrington was the Monat Market Partner (later we will see that you got your facts all wrong below.) She settled because she was afraid to lose everything when they came after her for $250,000. When it reached a point where it was revealed that all Monat really wanted was access to the Facebook Group Monat Modern Nightmare the group Vickie started it seemed a settlement might be possible. Vickie, a former Monatsalesman person, decided to turn against all those who had supported her and sold them out to save a few dollars and get out of the lawsuit. I am going to be very honest, Vickie deeply hurt a few of my friends by turning over private Facebook messages to Monat. Monat backed her against a wall, and she did what she felt she had to do, to get out from under their thumb. I will say this because of Monat's tactics in this settlement all messages about Monat between me and someone else I delete after the fact so that Monat can ask to see my PM, but they will find nothing. Thanks, Vickie for the lesson.

So, you say 4, but there is only 3 and the 4 you claimed were settled in Monat's favor only 2 of them were resolved. So, lie or failure to actually do research?

Cheeseslave: And just because there are lawsuits does not mean the claims made are true. Is there actually any evidence that MONAT causes hair loss? The way our court system works here in the USA, you are innocent until proven guilty.

Me: I will agree that we must wait for our day in court, but until then I wouldn't wash my least favorite client with Monat. I don't expect you to take my word, but I do challenge you to look at the FDA adverse reaction reports. I do challenge you to read the FDA inspection report from March 2018. But since you didn't do actual research or tell the truth in your blog post, I don't expect you ACTUALLY to know what you are talking about on anything. You have lost all credibility on everything you talk about for because you missed the mark so badly here.

Cheeseslave: In this post, I'll tell you the whole story of what happened last year… How four hairdressers started a dumpster fire on Facebook which led to 15 MONAT lawsuits, and what the status is of all these lawsuits.

Me; In the next few blog posts I will show how you lied, spread half-truths and failed to do your research.

Since she supports Monat suing people selling other shampoos suing when they speak out I would love to Lush show her exactly what that feels like.

Stayed tuned for part II and beyond: We will talk about the lawsuits, interview those called out by Mrs. Michaels as well as learn about Kimberly Lewis and those she added to the "New Group". Given that I have personally been speaking out against Monat for -who even knows how long. If Kimberly was a voice against Monat I am sure I would know exactly who she is and so thanks to someone I trust we will reveal the truth about THE NEW GROUP-My Mondern Nightmare

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Feb 19, 2019

Like I’d take any hair advice from someone with that mop.


Feb 18, 2019

Thank you so much for this!! Her blog made me furious to be honest! It was full of inaccuracies. The continued blame on hairstylists just shows the small mindedness of these people!!! It didn’t take a hairstylist to tell me my scalp was burning and that my hair was falling out and breaking!!!

All the talk about doing her research and homework??? Maybe she should have hired a fact checker! And the continued use of the word “haters”....Why is it alright for my social media newsfeed to be blown up with what a miracle this stuff is and how it cures diseases...but when someone speaks of their own personal adverse experience they are “haters”??? Again....small minded!!!

Thank you again for…


Feb 18, 2019

Thank you for doing this. When i read her blog post I wasn’t sure if I should be mad at how inaccurate it was or bust out laughing.

I chose the latter


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