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Trisha Van Straten -Monat Bully who admits Monat Market Partners Suck at their job!

Updated: Oct 31, 2018

Update: Trisha's review has been removed. Now to get this blog post removed all Trisha has to do is post on her facebook page a public apology for attacking unhappy Monat customers.

Let’s start with some critical things…

If you have hair issues and use the products use the heat tools correctly.

Okay, so our hair problems are because all of a sudden years after using heat tools and having good hair, we use Monat and have lousy hair it is the fault of the heat tools? I don't think so. I think Monat has compromised our hair so much that we can no longer do what we used to be able to do without fear. So, if you use Monat please for the love of God, put your heat tools away because your hair has been stripped so much that it will fry your hair. Funny, how I can lighten my clients hair from level 3 black to blonde and they can still use the heat tools without losing hair, but Monat needs you to baby your fragile hair now. I should also note my clients can use Redken and use their heat tools without fear just like they always have in the past. Hmmm interesting with Redken my hair doesn't have to fall out to transition to great hair and I can use my heat tools. But wait what does Trisha tell us about Redken?


When stylists complained about Monat, Monat sued. Market Partners like Trisha cheered with joy as Monat bullied us into silence. But here we go she claims Redken is cancerous. If we read on, we will notice that a bottle of shampoo can’t cause hair loss, but it can cause cancer. However, when we question the ingredients in Monat, we are told by Monat and its Market Partners, that we shouldn’t worry because we are not drinking the crap. So, how will Trisha feel if Redken decides to act like Monat and sues her for slander? Can you afford to fight at $250,000 lawsuit Trisha?

I laugh at the negative comments below because our society today is a joke!!

WOW! I am not sure what else can be said about something so thoughtless, mean and hurtful. You laugh at men and women who have had issues with hair loss because of a shampoo. You think society is the joke? Sweetheart, you need to look in the mirror real hard. You are lacking some real important traits. Honestly, the only reason to laugh at someone’s pain and suffering is that you are heartless. You need to go to Oz and talk to the wizard. When you have a company with 11 class action lawsuits, 300+ adverse reactions from the FDA, an FDA report that says your companies products could be filthy and you laugh at men and women who are suffering... Just WOW! You need serious help!

The claims of hair loss is your hair transitioning

Trisha goes from making excuses for hair loss to this, " So those claims of hairloss are BS and people just don’t know the facts! Shampoo doesn’t make your hair fall out!!! " Wait, Monat makes your hair fall out during transition but it can't make your hair fall out? Girl, get it together what are you trying to say? I read that this shampoo makes your hair fall out because it strips your hair. But let's be honest if it strips all the "bad stuff" out of your hair then once the bad stuff is gone what is it stripping? Yep, that's right your hair! Monat Market Partners Suck at their job When she stops making excuses for Monat by blaming the customer, the stylist she then goes after her own tribe. Way to be a team player, I am sure Monat is super proud you let everyone know that Market Partners suck at their job! "The reviews about the automatic flexship and orders happened because the person that signed you up SUCKS at their job!!! "

At least we can agree on one thing, I suppose that is a starting place.

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