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Dear Christian Market Partners

Updated: Sep 17, 2018

It's not always easy, sitting in the early morning after my prayer time looking at all the screenshots of Monat lies told by Market Partners. My e-mail box is covered in unopened e-mails because sometimes my heart can't take all the lies.

It's not always easy, pouring through your social media looking for those lies, and seeing your family stories. Sometimes I stop and pray for you, knowing that I am about to call you out for bad business practices and lies. It hurts more when I see your sharing information about your churches and favorite Bible verses. It hurts because what should bind us as sisters is not strong enough. Because you have fallen prey to a company that has replaced God.

When we say, Monat is a cult-like atmosphere here are some of the things we are talking about.

Extreme obsessiveness with a group or leader

Over and over I see people literally worshiping the Market Partner they want to be like. This person becomes a perfect person in their eyes. Recently, a woman criticised a Market Partners' before and after photo. Not soon after posting a woman in the Market Partners downline attacked the woman's parenting and told her she was a horrible person. I have watched live Market Partner feeds in which I have actually heard the expression. "I worship her/him so much."

Criticism or questioning is characterized as persecution.

I have never in my life seen a company where if you say I don't like a product it becomes a personal attack on the salesperson. If I comment I don't like Monat, Market Partners will come out of the woodwork on my page and literally call me names. There are videos made over and over from market partners saying that customer complaints are people being evil or bullying Monat. -Seriously, you know better.

Reliance on the group for value judgments and thoughts.

As I pour through groups, especially Deverne's group I see over and over this begging of attention and making sure that everything they say is right. DeVerne has undoubtedly become one of the mini-Gods in Monat, but he is not the only one. The ease at which a lie passes from one Market Partner to the next is stunning. Even more astonishing when you point out the lie and show proof, the fact that "so and so" said it means that everything else is FAKE or FALSE. When it is pointed out Monat has not won a single class-action lawsuit after so many have tried to say they have, it is meet with it has to be true because "so and so" wouldn't lie.

Former followers are always wrong in leaving, negative or even evil.

I have seen over and over stories of Market Partners who left Monat because they had scalp issues and they get blocked, made fun of and literally told they are the devil. I had one woman tell me how her Market Partner was her prayer partner at church and now won't even sit with her or talk to her at church just because she no longer wanted to sell Monat. She has gone as far as to tell others the woman is evil.

I think for me the hardest is when I see a private message sent to hurt a consumer who had an adverse reaction and lost hair. Those messages are often very personal and ugly attacks. They call people bad parents, wish them dead, threaten to call children's services and so much more. They put aside the bible verses about how to treat people to go on personal rampages. Many who have had these messages sent to them are frightened to have me share them because they worry about real attacks.

Over and over, I see this, and it is just mind numbing and heartbreaking that you as a Christian would allow yourself to be associated with a company like Monat that has shown through their unethical treatment of their consumers and their consumer's safety that they are not a Christian based company.

Please stop looking at the dollar signs and thinking that this is God's plan for you. It is not God's plan for you! Monat is not the answer that God set in front of you. God has never meant for you to prosper at the pain of others. I beg of you my fellow Christians who stumbled into Monat to look honestly at the company, their practices, and your fellow Market Partners lies to sell shampoo. Think of the lies you, yourself once believed and had to change just to do business.

Matthew 6:24 “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money."

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