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Dear Guy Tang

Updated: Sep 4, 2018

Update: Thank you Guy for speaking up! My goal in all of this is to simply ask people to be honest and sell a product that you love so much and that you can be honest about your love for that product to sell it. I have watched you for I think at least 7 years, before you were "the" Guy Tang. You were just a passionate hair stylist trying to mentor other stylist. I have had the crazy pleasure of taking not one, but two of your classes. If you liked a product it did not matter the brand you shared that love and I know that if you loved M&M. You would have shared that love no matter what others thought. So, I like others were angry for you when we saw your friendship being used like this. I am sorry, you deserve better.

Dixie Dust. Original below.

Guy my intent when I exposed Mandie's lie was merely to expose the lie. I could not believe for even a moment that you supported or sponsored Monat, even secretly. However, I think it is proof of what I have said from my first social media post, on my page. If you don't speak against Monat, Market Partners will use that to say you love and support Monat.

Monat Market Partners back in 2017 began contacting members of a Facebook group for Mags from Those members of the group were led to believe that Mags was okay with Market Partners offering samples to her members. Market Partners like Roxy Henley and Shannon Keel would reach out to members of this group via private messages trying to sell them, Monat. When Mags spoke out against Monat, she was bullied by Monat Market Partner Roxy Henley and Shannon Holben Keel, in her group. That led to a lawsuit against Mags because she spoke out and said she did not support, endorse or like Monat. For more on that lawsuit

Like many professional stylists, Mags did not believe that an MLM company should be labeling itself as 'Professional.' I mean, after all, anyone can sell it and act like a hair professional. However, the one things that stylist like Shannon, Mandie, Elle, Corin, DeVerne and more have shown is that at the end of the day they support their pockets, not this industry, not their clients and not other stylists.

Katie Siepierski spoke out against Monat and became the target of Monat Market Partners and the company. Since their social media attack on Katie, many of us have been missing her once great involvement in the beauty industry.

Shea Ross, a Monat Market Partner, started a facebook group that was designed to create a blacklist of those who spoke out against Monat. It had a ton stylist on the list, but only a few big names willing to say, "No to Monat." Most big-name stylists have sat silently well lesser known stylist were attacked, bullied and sued to try to protect and defend the industry we love so much. I have personally watched stylists, who I once respected say, "to each their own" while watching people be hurt and bullied by this company. ( I will post the blacklist soon-I want to get permission from those mentioned on the list)

I promise Market Partners told young customers that, Guy Tang loves and uses Monat. Market partners are showing that video of Mandie and then pictures of her with you as proof you support Monat. As much as we professional stylist who follows you and enjoys your Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and products know the truth, many young girls are buying into Monat's deception on the idea that Guy Tang loves Monat. I have several clients who bring me pictures of your work if I was selling Monat all I would have to do is share that small section of the video to sell Monat to my clients who think you are the best #hairbestie in the world.

I would hate to think that a young girl could experience the reactions that so many others have of breaking hair, itchy scalp, red bumps, hair falling out, and more just because they believed you privately endorsed a product. Will those that Monat Market Partners are showing this video too, to try and sell their shampoo to see your tweet and know the truth or will they use this shampoo, because Mandie said you loved it and then wonder why you supported shampoo that does so much damage.

All Mandie needs to do to get that video taken down is write a public apology for this lie. It's that simple. Honestly, it is that simple for any of those spreading lies. If they publicly apologize for their deception and then start selling their product with honesty, integrity and treating those who have had adverse reactions with dignity this will all go away. I don't care if they sell Monat, do it honestly.

Monat Market Partners have again and again attacked stylist who has spoken and supported professional companies over an MLM with 11 class action lawsuits, over 700 BBB complaints and almost 300 FDA adverse reaction complaints.

I can't help but think of the quote by Edmund Burke.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

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Sep 04, 2018

Oh...I was lucky enough to make “the list” you have my permission to post! I felt honored to be called out by them....I am with many other stylists that I look up too on there!


Amber Rose
Amber Rose
Sep 04, 2018

I may not be well known on the internet, but trust that I'm a veteran in this industry with almost 20 years of experience. I was an administrative instructor with a very well known and respected school in my hometown for years and have hundreds of local stylists in my contact list(in other words, I do have a following who respects my opinions). I am not afraid to speak out against the company and I am on the list. you have my full permission to post said blacklist!


Sep 04, 2018

This is exactly why I contacted Guy to make a public statement that this is a false claim....which he did on his twitter account. It is quite sad to see all of these money hungry stylists with no integrity sell out their clients over a few bucks, Once clients experience the negative side effects from this line of products....they will be sitting with an empty chair and a garage full of product. Which they all deserve!


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