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FAQ-Why am I so negative?

I wish that going after Market Partners and their lies made me happy. Honestly, it does not and there are moments where I question if I am doing the right thing. There are moments it feels negative and wrong. I will start to walk away, but then because I don’t flood my social media with anti-Monat rants a few of them will friend request me and my social media is an open book, so I accept most everyone. I will open my news feed to see promises of “miracle” results from a shampoo that has not been truly clinically studied to do what it claims it can do.

I have a lot of former Monat Customers including many who were Market Partners that are social media friends and followers. I have watched them share their story to then receive threats from Market Partners and Monat. I saw the blacklist, the video by Jewely Stephens and even worse than all that was the video with Monat’s Rayner, Luis and Stuart where they basically laughed at those hurt by their shampoo and then went on talk about how much money they are making.

I watched as Monat promised to release the FDA report because it would have nothing on it at all because they were “all good”. Have they released the report to their Market Partners? Have the explained that instead of keeping their facilities clean they spend money on big houses, vacations and cars. They keep saying FDA approved facilities I demand proof! We all deserve proof, NOW. Market Partners before you say something ask to see proof of what you are about to claim. Because I want to warn you, you are liable for the promises you make and you can be sued by someone who has an adverse reaction.

This is not about helping other people. If this was about making a difference it would be done with integrity and honesty. Monat is about getting rich at all cost.

I am not against anyone getting rich if when they start getting rich they don’t have to hurt other people along the way. The negative and bullying began with Monat throwing the first stone. It started with this idea that if anyone said anything bad they would threaten them with a cease and desist order, that would escalate to a Federal lawsuit where they would claim the person cost them $250,000, and then they would flood social media with lies about the how they had won the lawsuits.

Monat Market Partners, you are who you hang around with and that says a lot. So, take a moment and ask yourself is this who you want to be around…

People who lie about how Monat can help alopecia, eczema, psoriasis, hair during chemo, after chemo hair, pregnancy hair, post pregnancy and more. All the while they have ZERO Clinical studies to prove any of those promises. Monat Market Partners all I am asking is for you to read the studies. Front to back word for word. Here is a link to the studies.

I challenge every Market Partner to Read these studies and show me where there is a clinical study that proves all the claims Market Partners make about Monat products. -PS read how long their studies lasted 😉! Monat says 3 years and That's a lie!

Do you want to work for a company that encourages the making of a “black list” of people and calls them haters, horrible people, icky people and more? They then put this out there on social media. There was actually a social media page just to start calling out the “haters” who did not like a shampoo company that lied about “all natural”, “researched for 3 years at Princeton” , “FDA Approved”, “no chemicals”, “can’t cause hair loss, red bumps, itch scalp and if it does it is “detox””

Do you want to be mentored by a woman who says, “I don’t care about the products I could sell dead fish.”

I don’t want to do this, but I want this company to start by putting on a warning label about the risks with DHT blockers, I want them to stop targeting people who are at risk if they are using any type of DHT blockers, and I want them to work with those hurt by their products and apologize to those they have filed lawsuits against in a bully movement.

My goal has not really been to take Monat down, or even to ruin those selling Monat. My goal is to force them to be a company of integrity. If they are going to claim to be a Christian company it is time they and their market partners start behaving like that in their business practice.

Dixie Dust -If you are a Market Partner with proof that there are clinical studies that prove ALL those claims: Feel free to email me those they will be verified and read.

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