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FDA Approved

Updated: Sep 7, 2018

Monat Market Partner's lied about FDA approval
Did Monat ever have FDA approval?

Monat first came into focus for many when Monat Market Partners started talking about FDA approved for hair growth. Now Monat says, the FDA doesn't approve cosmetics (if you make medical claims it can be considered a cosmetic and drug) and can become FDA approved. The fact that Monat uses the terms "active ingredients" tells us one thing they always saw themselves as a cosmetic/drug combo. More proof is their Facebook support group So, let's talk FDA and their "approval" I have heard Market Partners say they are FDA approved for hair growth and that their facilities are FDA approved. It is illegal to say, "FDA approved" unless the FDA has given your stamp of approval. Some cases of FDA claims of approval:

From a news report, Most Market Partners have scrambled to delete their posts about FDA approval. However, before the scramble to erase lies and we will expose more and more lies that Monat has tried to remove. Monat has worked hard to get the lies posted about FDA approval out of social media, and since this fight start almost a year and a half ago asking Monat, to be honest, they have done a great clean up job. However, from HartlineHair's say no to Monat we find this screenshot from a Market Partner rejoicing over Monat's FDA approval. More will be coming ;) So stay tuned. Jennifer Hight on youtube

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