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Join the battle!

Since starting this blog I have gotten a lot of questions I have decided to answer one and reveal a little about the geek who started this blog.

I am running a fever of over 100 and so I am avoiding Monat talk, because I am sure it will just make me feel worse. So, time to meet me and my team.

Where did the name Dixie Dust come from?

Years ago, I played an MMORPG named Guild Wars. Dixie Dust was one of my favorite characters.

Meet the Team

When the battle is tough or in the dark dungeons, I need my support team. I have a support team that most of you don't see so let me introduce them to you.

Warrior- A warrior is a character that has a stout heart, and brute strength. They shielded other softer hearts and bodies from the damage and blows. They lay their life on the line with each battle trusting their team to be ready to rush in and fling arrows, magic and healing potions. I have my Keyboard Warrior.

Guardian- When I first started out I didn't think I needed a Guardian. But as soon as this blog started going viral, I had a Guardians. Guardians protect my secrets and have shown a deep loyalty. I have been blessed to have a few Guardians from the very first blog post.

Dervish-If you have been sharing blog post on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc... you might be one of my favorite characters you might be a Dervish. Dervishes are holy warriors who can attack multiple enemies at once. They some inherent healing, and protection abilities.

Monk- Monks can sometimes be your squishy character, but without them no team is complete in my opinion. They have 3 main prayers healing, smite, and protection. I have a Monk on my team. She was deeply hurt by Monat and is truly a victim in every sense of the word. When I start to lose heart and think I am too mean and not cut out for this battle she steps forward and reminds me to keep going forward. I love my MONK! She is right now a healing monk, who is soon going to be ready to smite, Monat soon.

What the team needs:

Engineers- This is a character I am in need. Those who can easily and in terms explain things like DHT, the impact of estrogen mimicking plants, pH, and all things science. I understand a lot of the geeky science stuff, but when I write it I often write in a way that assumes everyone knows what I am talking about and it gets confused.

Join the writing Team

You are part of this team! You are part of this battle!

26Seconds does not have to be a single voice any more. It can be your voice, however if you write a blog post you must NEVER take credit for you blog post. You will be given a character name and you must be 100% accurate in your information. This is not a place of positivity, but a place of honesty.

This is not a place for personal testimonies against Monat. You can write your blog post entry and send it to I will then send you an e-mail explaining the rules of sharing your post and it is all designed to protect those helping to force Monat Market Partners to tell the truth.

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