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Kristie Corry - Monat Superstar

What did Kristie get wrong?

Kristie, I expect more out of professional stylist you should know how to read the back of your own labels. But here just to help you out. Because if there is one thing I have learned about Market Partners they are too busy selling their shampoo to actually research what they are selling. So, they just repeat the lies they hear.

Kristie, Kristie, Kristie!

Monat started in 2014. So, Kristie time to learn some math 2018-2014=4 years. That is right according to Monat's own history page (Link Here) they have only been around 4 years. Where did you get 7?

But wait we are not done yet ;). 3 years at Princeton? Sad, this really shows you didn't do your research because this was debunked months and months ago. It's sad, a someone who does not sell Monat knows more about your company and product then you do.

Monat is not the world's only anti-aging hair care line. It is not even the first, it is the first that sells through a pyramid method of sales.

There have been ZERO medical studies to show that Monat regrows hair.

Why does Monat only give a 30-day guarantee on a 90-day system? I guess they don't really trust in their system. (Princeton University Post) (Adverse Reaction Reports -FDA)

Man, if someone told me this and I find out it was a lie... trust gone!

Sweetie, Honey, darling you don't have a damn clue what you are talking about here. Monat has not won a single class-action lawsuit. Not one!

Get your facts straight and stop lying so you can make money. The study you are so proud of did not involve scalps which is what over half of the complaints were about. The study involved wafts of hair shampooed and combed...

Read the research, it did not disprove ANYTHING, and Monat wrote that headline and press release.

To get removed from the list.

Admit in a written or video statement on your social media, that you lied about

  • Princeton (How long they have been around)

  • The lawsuits

  • That Monat has not proven they in a court of law that they are not responsible for the almost 300 FDA adverse reaction reports.

  • Admit that you have failed to do your research on the brand you decided to sell.

Delete the posts above, post your public admittance of wrongdoing and lack of research and this post will cease to exist. All I want is Monat Market Partners, to be honest.

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