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Meet a founder-Julianne Bucher

A new 26second series meet the founder. My honest view of each founder as I research them and how they came to Monat. Here is the think about Julianne, she is super cute and funny. However, she shows a picture of her hair that was supposed to be from 3 years ago but it does not match with her videos from 3 years ago so clearly she either purposely picked a bad picture, or added a filter to make her hair look brassy. The other thing is that Julianne doesn't have to sell a shampoo that has 11 class action lawsuits, 300+ FDA adverse reaction reports, over 750 BBB formal complaints. Julianne could honestly run her own business and in the end make more. When she was doing the auction MLM she could have been bold... trusted in herself and taken what she learned from that business and actually have more money today, without selling a subpar, overpriced product. I will give Julianne credit there are not FDA claims, medical claims, false clinical study claims so there is only one question why do you sell a shampoo that has so many lies surrounding it? Julianne I look forward to the day when you and your sister are actually running your own business rather than working for this company. Best of luck! Dixie Dust! Now meet Julianne: Julianne is one of those... It's not about the product it's about direct sales. She has jumped from brand to brand trying to 'build her team'. Before Monat there was All'asta. All'asta is a an MLM that combines vintage and auction with direct sales. The closed their doors and this just didn't work. But Julianne let's us know that it's not about great products it is more about 'direct sales aka MLM'.

Here Julianne Bucher tells us she thinks that Direct Sales for a company means you run your own business. But she had to close her own business and open up another one, because her business failed. I mean if it is your own business and it fails doesn't that you had a failing business? So, let's start again what can I sell that is in my area of expertise as a PE teacher/stay at home/pottery saler?

So, when her one business failed what did Julianne do for money? Notice she didn't call it a her business she called it a 'job'. She says she is not a sales person and I call BS that is all she is she goes from one sales job to another.

Let me say this

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