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Monat Market Partners- Get Insurance NOW!

Before you read this read the action Monat took in court to protect itself. It concerns you the Market Partner and you NEED to know this. Court documents Monat Market Partners. Monat is not selling you a franchise, a business opportunity and you are not part of the company. You are an independent contractor. What does that mean for you if you sell a product based on false medical claims and then tell the consumer it is "detox," "good," or "cellular regrowth"? It means in legal terms you might be held liable unless you can prove that Monat the company told you these things. Now, let us be clear Founders are not employees of the company they are also independent contractors, and so their advice, opinions, and such will not protect you if an upset consumer decides to sue you in a court of law.

I am not telling you to stop selling Monat, what I am telling you is that you should do your research before becoming an independent contractor. You should not trust anyone that is a Market Partner, Founder, director, etc... to tell you the truth, I have found that almost all of them lie to sell this product. Deverne has not even read all the material with his market partner papers, so he has given terrible business advice that goes against what Monat says. Roxy Henley and several FOUNDERS posted FDA Approved some of that was published even before Monat began selling in the USA. Jennifer McCowan noted it was studied with Princeton University, Mandie said Guy Tang loves Monat. All of these things were lies to sell shampoo.

So, before you make your next sale read the following things.

Market Partner Agreement

The Truth about Monat (their own website)

The clinical studies

Your ingredients and don't trust DeVerne's book he doesn't tell half the truth in his ingredient explanations. -research them yourself.

(DO NOT just read Monat Research... learn for yourself)

Research the side effects of blocking DHT topically

(DO NOT just read Monat Research... learn for yourself)

Research what types of hair loss can be helped with blocking DHT

(DO NOT just read Monat Research... learn for yourself)

Read about Red Clover Leaf side effects for pregnant and nursing moms (WebMD)

Read about Carrot Seed Oil (which is not from the carrots in your garden)

Don't trust me, but don't believe them either! If you are going to sell Monat because you love Monat, follow the EXACT guidelines of the company. So, that if you do have an issue, you can trace it back to the company and protect yourself. Because following the trail back to sally MP who said it worked on her grandma going through chemo will not protect you from getting sued. You are an independent contractor, Monat will not defend you in a court of law.

It is not ALL Natural and it is not Chemically Free Are you telling clients this, because if so you could find yourself in hot water for false advertising. Someone should tell Mandie since she just said it on a news station.

It is not FDA approved

It is not FDA approved! If you are making or have made these claims you could have issues with the government.

Not studied at Princeton

Not the only anti-aging hair care line (Not even the first)

Actually, anything that blocks DHT has side effects -you should know what those are if you are going to sell a product that claims to block a hormone.

A growth cycle cannot be "reset" as a matter of fact if you interrupt the growth cycle you can actually have a negative result with your hair.

Monat promises a 30 day Money back guarantee on a 90-day system. Seems they don't trust the system themselves.

I am not asking you not to sell this, although I think you are asking for trouble. What I am telling you is that you have been lied to by the company, and market partners. I am telling you that if you are repeating what other MP, Directors or founders are saying then you are probably lying to sell a shampoo because you failed to do your resesarch.

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