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Monat response

A Market Partner, who did not give their name sent me a message.

I write under the pen name, Dixie Dust for three main reasons.

  • Monat is a sue happy bully, who instead of asking their market partners to tell the truth when selling the product go after those who have had adverse reactions or speak out exposing truths.

  • Most of those who have spoken out against Monat have received threats from Market Partners. Who the hell threatens people for not liking a bottle of shampoo? Crazy people who have not sought the mental health intervention that they need.

  • I do not want to financially gain from exposing the truth. I want to make sure that Market Partners cannot say, I did this so I could personally get famous or make money.

I started 26Seconds to give a voice to those who were lied and tricked into being part of this company. When I started it I had no idea how needed it indeed was for those hurt by the company. I only knew that for those who had sat in my chair and had adverse reactions to Monat and were told it was detox, that I needed to speak up. I needed to give them a voice and a place to see, that they are not alone.

So, tonight I was not going to write anything, and I was going to take a deep breath I received a private somewhat threatening message and felt I needed to respond to my attacker with no name.

Going line by line 1971: You should be ashamed of yourself...

Me: Why? Because I want the truth? How about Jennifer who swore she never said Princeton but did, how about Heather and Dez who said they did not care about the people who lost hair to Monat, How about Mandie who used someone who thought they were friends? Should they be ashamed or should the person tell the truth to be ashamed? In what world is the liar, making money off the lie better than the person exposing the lie?

1971:26 seconds is about human trafficking?

Me: What the hell? How much did you drink at the wine and wash? I do not even know how to respond, because honestly, that is so out there.

1971: You appear to be a mean, vindictive individual who's motivation may not be as pure as you pretend #mercenary Me: The motivation is clear; I want the lies to stop. I want Market Partners to research the products they are using and READ the labels on their products as well as read the clinical studies so they can see that these products were not tested and are not "clinically proven to grow hair."

1971: We know who you are

Me: Lies, in a moment I am going to show that later you reveal that you do not know who I am.

1971: but maybe your not just a bully

Me: I am not a bully; I am asking for a hair care line dealers to be honest about their products.

1971: Put your actual name out there other then just pixie dust.

Me: What I am not going to do is put my actual name out there. That would be stupid. I already feel threatened by this message from you.

What is your goal? Are you one of the ones mentioned or do you already know you are probably on the list because you lied? I should let you know that it really might not be that hard to figure out who you are because we leave our cookies everywhere when we visit a site.

1971: blah, blah, blah makes people question your motives

Me: My motives are pretty clear, stop lying to sell Monat and come clean about your past lies. Any Market Partner who wants to be removed from the blog only needs to do one thing, apologize on all their social media forums for the lie they got caught telling that is all. They can keep selling Monat, but no more lies. The lies are on our radar. When they apologize for their lie, no matter how big and they must do it public and it must remain on social media, I will remove them from the blog. Even Mandie if she tells Guy Tang she is sorry and apologizes for the other lies I will remove her from the blog. It is easy to get removed. Pretty easy! Apologize for lying, and then sell the shampoo honestly.

1971: I have an army

Me; Is that a threat? Oh, wait of cyber investigators. Who cares that much about someone calling out liars? AH, yeah probably a liar. So, you expose me, then what? Five other people have the username and password. I will drop out they will change the password, and someone else will take my place. So, you will uncover one of the bunch, but the others will carry on calling out the liars of Monat. It would be easier for the Market Partners to say, I am sorry and then stop lying. If Monat is the shit, why do they lie?


Me: sigh... you are a #defenderoflies

Part 2

1971: People who attack others behind fake names and websites are the most pathetic of this generation

Me: I notice you did not share your name. Pot meet kettle LOL.

1971: most pathetic of this generation

Me: Which generation? That is such an odd thing to say.

1971: yep, thats you

Me: ah, okay

1971: You want to attack people?

Me: No, I want to call liars out into the public. Don't lie and you don't get called out. There are Market Partners who are doing well that will never get called out because they are honest. I suspect you are a liar. 1971: Do it with your name, Otherwise you are a coward. Me: You call me names and I don't see your name, so I suspect you are the coward. I never would have thought of Benjamin Franklin as a coward.

1971: The fun part is ... I know who you are

Me: If you knew who I was, you would have already blasted me on social media.

1971 I know the company you represent

Me: LOL! Another of Monat's bullshit lies that it is a company going after Monat. I represent myself and my clients.

1971: and when the tone is will all be exposed...and it's going to be so much fun.

Me: Do you know what will happen if you expose me? Monat will send a threatening letter, which I will share. Market Partners will send death threats and threats against my children, which I will share. I will become a rock star over night to all those who have been sending me screenshots of the lies. What if you expose the wrong person? Chances are it will track back to you and you will get sued.

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