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Mrs. Michaels and her sneaky snake ways.

Monat: Today's modern day Snake Oil

Ann Marie Michaels went after people, told lies, made up facts, splashed people's images in her blog to try to get readers, and it worked. She slandered people put them at risk for the other little Monat Bullies to come and threaten them. Many of us have been in the position of receiving threats from Monat Market Partners. Some received death threats, others had homophobic slurs tossed at them, and still others like myself had people threaten our children.

Rather than be thoughtful or kind to those who have experienced adverse reactions, Mrs. Michaels showed her ugly. She decided to call them all liars. I mean Mrs. Michaels is a doctor or a scientist right? Oh, wait she is ... a shampoo sales girl with a previously failed business, who as I have learned in the last 24 hours has a list of people who feel she wronged them in so many ways. The amount of information coming in about Mrs. Michaels and her previous past behavior has left me overwhelmed with what to do next.

My inbox is filled with more information on the way Mrs. Michaels' has allegedly cheated people that I am lucky I have other people who can help me process everything it would be too much if 26Seconds were only one person.

So, recently she and I had a private message chat, and she posted her take away on the blog. So, let's begin...

I want to note that almost all of her updates so far have been because I pointed them out to her. See, I have been honest, and I did my research. So, I have helped her clean up her FAKE NEWS! Again, Monat tells lies, and we clean them up ;)!

Cleaning up Monat Lies one liar at a time.

Mrs. Michael goes on to say I asked about her husband. That is a twisted way to look at that conversation, but when you get in the mud like Mrs. Michaels is prone to do, I can understand she might have feared I would get as ugly, mean and low down dirty as she does. Lucky for her, I have always believed that the family of these snake oil salesmen/women were off limit. No matter how much they use their children to try and peddle their wares, I would never sink so low as to attack their families not even the grown members of their families. So, to let you make up your mind if I "asked" about her husband or made an assumption about something I was told and made a comment based on something I was told. I will share with you our WHOLE conversation...

It must be an exciting place in Mrs. Michaels' head. Filled with made up facts, half-truths and twisted ways of looking at the world.

It would not be hard to track down precisely who Mrs. Michaels is married to I am betting if I wanted to know I could have that information just from her social media and reveal it within an hour. I won't and would never because the truth is as long as he, personally is not going after Monat Victims and their families I am not concerned with him, her children or any member of her family at all. But since someone had said in a message he was a lawyer, I was shocked a lawyer's wife would be so stupid as to put herself in this situation legally. I am still shocked that she has set herself up to lose everything just to sell shampoo.

My favorite is yet to come...

When I share the truth about Kimberly Lewis and the supposed "hate group" adds!

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