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Tracey Haga-Sulak Monat Superstar

Tracey popped on my radar when I was researching which Monat Market Partners spread the lie about babe's hair extensions. I could spend hours writing about this woman and her evident love of Jennifer McCowan (known Monat liar). I look forward to you seeing just a small sample of her testimonies. Her story is fantastic and very diverse for only one person to have all those stories. However, first, the lie that got her here if she writes a formal apology to Babe's hair extensions for being deceived by Monat Market Partners I will delete this entry. She doesn't even need to fix all her other lies, just this one.

If she admits it post it on her business and personal page publically and leaves it there for as long as that apology stays up and public I will hide this blog post.

The Babe lie:

The Many Testimonials of Tracey

A trend Monat Market Partners have picked up of someone writing a "testimonial" and everyone merely copy-pasting the testimony as if it is their own story. It is a deceptive trick to tug at your heartstrings and make the story seem more believable when or if it gets shared.

26 Seconds

Monat's selling point to the world is that it only takes 26 seconds for something you put on your skin to absorb into your bloodstream. So, the logic Tracey uses to why Red Clover Leaf Oil is perfectly fine in shampoo and won't impact pregnant, or nursing moms mean that I should not worry at all about the toxic levels of my shampoos. Because if a product that Market Partners say has a molecular mass so small it absorbs into every layer of my hair, and my hair follicle to block DHT can not impact my hormones, then why am I worried about what is in any shampoo?

One MLM is never enough... more detox please

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26 Seconds

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