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Mandie, Mandie-Monat SuperStar

Updated: Sep 1, 2018

Another highly requested Monat Superstar

I think a lot of us professionals against Monat are hurt by the fact that she sold her credentials for a hair care line with almost 300 FDA adverse reactions complaints, 700+ BBB complaints, and 11 class action lawsuits. Like DeVerne, and Corin, Mandie Sue lets us know it is about money and being part of one of the best industries in the world. I feel blessed every single day I stand by high the chair and if right now you offered my any sum of money, the truth I would still be behind the chair- might do it for free, but I will still do it because it has never been about money or fame it has always been about the impact I have on the lives of the women who sit in my chair every day.

Guy Tang likes Monat?

Well, that just makes me sad how about you?

Return Rate -look up Monat and BBB

Clinical Tested-

Professional Stylist against Monat have been complaining that they have done ZERO testing of the things that concern us: 1: There has been no long-term testing on the impact of the medicinal botanical oils used in their combination to block the DHT. Blocking DHT or even reducing it comes with known side effects even when done "naturally-based". Monat has failed to do any real studies on the impact on pregnant women, nursing women or woman trying to get pregnant. Please refer here: I believe that Monat might work for some men and postmenopausal women. However, it is 100% wrong for Monat not to be responsible and warn of side effects of blocking the DHT hormone for hair growth. It is even worse when these products are used on children below 18. Many women who have stepped forward about issues with Monat are showing signs of typical side effects of a DHT blocker in women.

Remember it only takes 26 Seconds for what we put on our hair to absorb into our bloodstream. While doing research I have been heartbroken to see several Monat Market Partners posting images of their customer's newborns with issues, coincidence maybe, but did they warn the pregnant woman of the risks of using a DHT blocker? Are they now 100% confident that the DHT blocker along with Carrot Seed Oil (Queen Anne's Lace not your garden carrot) or Red Clover Leaf Oil did not cause issues?

2. Monat has screamed they could be trusted because of their studies. I beg each Market Partner to read the studies and tell me do those studies seem through enough when we are talking about messing with someone's hormones?

Just 2 things to think about.


Wow! .

Mandie Sue, good luck it has been heartbreaking watching you sell your integrity. Even after the lawsuit dust settles and you scramble to explain why you would align yourself with this horrible company there are many of us that would never trust you again. I will be honest for me personally, that is heartbreaking because you were someone I respected about 2 years ago. I understand when you first started selling Monat everything looked great, but the truth is out and things are not great. I think it might be too late to jump ship now, might as well ride it out down.

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