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Deverne Augustus Part 1

Updated: Aug 31, 2018

Monat's superstar Deverne Augustus

Prior to Monat most professional stylist had never heard of DeVerne, and now most of us in the industry do not take him seriously. I personal think DeVerne desired instant fame. I believe Monat was the door to the fame that DeVerne craves. Honestly, thought that is just an opinion after watching his videos.

So, now out of the words of Monat's Superstar!

They key to selling a bad shampoo

The key to selling a bad product is convincing people they need the product and that without it their life is less beautiful. But how do you sell a shampoo that makes people's hair feel greasy, causes acne like bumps, dries out the ends and causes what Market Partners call detox? DeVerne has the secret!

The key to keeping Monat people coming back after they sample a shampoo that makes their hair feel dry on the ends, and greasy on the scalp, is to tell the consumer that it is a good thing. To as DeVerne says, be proactive in the customer experience. Tell them it is going to be bad, feel bad, but that feeling is a good thing. It means that years of buildup are being stripped away. If you can make them believe that awful feeling is good, then no matter how bad their hair gets they will keep buying into the promise that tomorrow it will be better.

My Scalp Itches, Deverne's Advice

DeVerne's advice for greasy scalp and itchy scalp is oil!
Crazy Itchy Scalp... use oil

DeVerne was wrong about cellular activity
Wait if it itches I should stop using it

Monat Market Partners have attacked over and over those who have talked about itchy scalp and hair loss and calling them liars. But spying into their own pages and groups we find consumers have been complaining about itching for a very long time. But Market Partners, like DeVerne make excuses for these warning signs and tell the customer to ignore the problem with a promise of better hair tomorrow. Why? Because they need to keep paying for their new house, stay retired and enjoy the car and travel.

When a person is losing hair with Monat what does DeVerne say?

Monat has said that it is not possible for a shampoo to cause hair fall out or shedding. But what does their super star, DeVerne say could be causing hair breakage? Too much Monat! What is his solution? More Monat

Why does Deverne sell Monat?

" I either held a job, or owned one, with no potential to create leverage over time or effort.  Then I learned how to use the internet to my advantage, and move to the right side of the income quadrant, leveraging my efforts to build wealth.  How would you like to do that, too?  How would it feel to know the exact steps to take to create an income that doesn't rely on your constant input and effort?  What freedoms would that afford you? " -From Deverne's Blog

"He had a client base that was more than fickle."


" “I knew that I needed a good business opportunity." -

But then like so many other words from Monat MP he tries later to act like it's not about the money. "Many have heard me say that even if I never made a dime in MONAT, I am eternally grateful for all it has done for me. "


Deverne's Book


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