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Open letter to Market Partners

Updated: Aug 29, 2018

Dear Market Partners,

Do you honestly want us to feel sorry for poor Monat? Do you expect any of us to feel sorry for a company or its sales team that threatens, sues, does not honor their promise of a money back guarantee, or treats its victims so horribly? You go online and talk about being bullied by mean, icky stylist and unhappy consumers when we complain about Monat’s bad business practices and the damage they have denied and lied about just to sell more shampoo. But the truth your mode of operation is to cyber stalk, personally attack and shun those who have raised a voice of complaint.

All we have asked is for Monat to be honest, ethical and keep their promises. When I started in the beauty industry I was always taught to under promise, and over deliver. Monat's Motto has seemed to be "Make money at all cost, and attack those you hurt." Market Partners seem to be trained to block, or publicly attack those 'negative' people.

Recently, I talked to one victim, we will call her Opal. Opal used to sit next to her friend, Bertha at church. Bertha was a Monat Market Partner. Before Opal bought Monat from Bertha they were friends, good friends and often enjoyed meals after church and talking on the phone together. Opal trusted her friend and so she bought into Monat as a Market Partner. When Opal started having problems Bertha told her, that what she was complaining about was not possible. After a little research Opal learned she was not alone. There were other people having the exact same problem with Monat. She read others who had symptoms of red bumps, flakes, itchy scalp and hair loss it was exactly what was happening to her. She called her friend and was then told it was detox and to just keep going, it would get better. That all these other people were just not sticking past the detox. Opal trusted her friend and she kept using the products. It didn't get better, it got worse. Opal called to cancel and after spending hundreds of dollars in hair care products Opal still had to pay a cancelation fee. But she figured it was a small price to pay to keep her friendship with Bertha and she paid it without complaining to her friend Bertha. Bertha was stuck with a shampoo and hair care products she couldn't use and didn't want to risk someone else having the problem.

Opal thought her friend would understand why she canceled her VP and autoship. After all Opal's hair was falling out in clumps! Bertha blocked Opal on social media, stopped answering her calls, and made it uncomfortable at church. Bertha called Opal a liar, and a hater. Their friendship was ruined in Bertha’s eyes because Opal would not keep buying shampoo.

Opal was at a loss and so she found me online. She decided she needed to talk to someone who knew more about Monat, but was not a Market Partner. Opal called me, a stranger who lived several states away just to talk to someone who might understand her pain. She wanted to know why her friend was acting this way. The answer, in my opinion, that is how I believe Market Partners are trained to behave. I have come to believe that because so many Market Partners behave in that exact manner when people stop using Monat. Opal is not the first story of an unhappy consumer losing a friendship over a damn shampoo.

What has happened to Market Partners who left the company when they started seeing the truth about Monat? Their stories of being bullied are insane. A group of people that once supported them, called them friend have now shown that under all that 'friendship' were some really dark people. The leaving partner's story often includes threats of lawsuits, threats against their family and some have received death threats. This group of women who were supposed to support each other in everything turned on them with a great malice treating the leaving market partner like an enemy. This means that when Market Partners leave Monat, not only do they walk away from a business partnership, they lose the friends who were supposed to be their friends for life. Monat Market Partners can be seen talking about lifting others up, but the moment a Market Partner walks away the other Market Partners show their cult like behavior.

Several of you saw the hate list created by Shea Ross with Monat. It was a list of stylist and consumers who spoke out against Monat. It was marketed as a list of people that Market Partners should avoid. Monat was afraid that Market Partners would become educated. The truth it was a hit list of hate, that list got some Monat Partners fired up to find those on the list and cyberbully them.

Stylist who have spoken out probably remember being called the devil and icky by Jewely Stephens. She went online to attack and bully those who simply said they did not like a shampoo. Professional stylist were calling for honest selling practices from these "business owners/bossbabes" they wanted Monat to be honest and stop telling lies just to sell that shampoo. SJewely went on to call people who didn't support Monat icky people and working for the devil. She said much more, but honestly, I feel sad for her, because she has always been about money and that is just well, sad. (Yes, she will be making the star wall soon).

Because of these attacks and my desire to keep my family safe from the Monat Cult I am keeping my name private. The last time I spoke out publicly my child was threatened, I was cyber stalked and a Monat Market Partner's spouse approached my husband at work. I don't understand the willingness to attack a person or tell them you hope they die for not liking a shampoo and for asking, okay, demanding you tell the truth in your business practices.

So, why now am I naming names and calling out Market Partners? I have tried everything else with Monat Market Partners. However, they just seem to go from one lie to the next with such an ease that it is horrible to watch. I want the lies to stop. I think at this point the only way to get the lies to stop is to start naming, names of the businesses that lie. It is very simply and easy to get off the superstar list or to have your post deleted.

Write an apology letter for the lie you told and post it on your social media page, email me at when you have done that and after it has stayed up for 48 hours I will delete your lying post and replace it with your apology with your name blurred out. It is really that simple, and yes, I took this tactic from Monat. If after 48 hours you delete your apology I will then repost the apology without your name blurred. If you block me from being able to see the apology you will go back on this page.

If you get tagged for bullying someone then simply write an apology to the person you bullied.(Jewely would need to write a letter to a whole lot of people ;)) It is really simply you don't have to stay on this Superstar wall forever and any post you made that I shared can easily be deleted just by you telling the truth. No more lies Monat Market Partners... you want to sell your shampoo do it honestly, with integrity.

· No more 90-day system with a 30-day money back guarantee

· No more red bumps, hair falling out, itchy scalp, flakes are a good thing

· No more #1 Luxury Brand

· No more Princeton

· No more FDA lies No more lies about lawsuits being done

· No more medical promises until the FDA approves you as a drug (Yes, a shampoo can be a drug/shampoo combo and can then make medical claims)

· No more bullying and calling the victims liars while you literally lie to sell a shampoo.

Your time is up!

Dixie Dust

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