Well, clearly Sam has a lot of neighbors who all sell Monat. Clearly, Monat Market Partners have become experts without medical training in the treatment of Alopecia. What bothers me the most is this is so deceptive and designed to pull at the heart strings of potential clients and all the while I doubt a single person on this list personally knows Sam, or Sam’s story. I doubt they have seen proof of Sam’s diagnoses and yet here they are telling his medical history.
Shannon Holben Keel
Caroline Blau Wilcox
Linda Holt
Matty Gyenis
Market Partner’s you want to get removed for your deception? Simply post an apology on your personal and business page for lying to sell Monat. Then delete the post of your neighbor Sam, do not repost it. I have people watching select Market Partners. When you post the apology make sure to include the following hashtag #26Seconds.
Sara, You are correct you have made it clear it was not your neighbor, and because of that, I will remove you from this. However, you are still in the file I am putting together to send to the FDA concerning medical claims made by Monat Market Partners. It is against FDA regulations to make medical claims about cosmetics without approval.
You should also know on a quick glance I did find one lie, but I will trust that when you search and find it yourself, you will fix it just as I am fixing this. You lied and said that Monat products were made in FDA approved facilities. That is a lie. As a matter of fact, when …
Well I'd say I'm quite taken back to make it to your wall of shame. I'll say this once...my clients and my career as a hairstylist are my number one priority. I do not need to make false claims to get ahead. If u clearly look on the post I shared I clearly wrote on the top "sharing from a fellow mp".there was no intent for deceit. I have seen this line do miraculous things and then some people dont care for it and that's fine, just like any other product on the market. I use what works and does what it says and for me this line has exceeding my expectations for 90% of my clients. Some will love…
If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times. No one can claim that a cosmetic product can cause hair to re-grow! If that were the case it would be a DRUG. Monats own website says that their products do not re grow hair. So then, mp’s revert to saying that the products create a “healthy scalp environment” Omg. So does soap and water. Or just water.
I wonder how many “testimonies” are out there like this alopecia one? How many market partners are willing to sacrifice their integrity to get a sale?